Could you please tidy up your room? Could you please tidy up your room?現在大多數父母都外出工作,照顧小孩和打理家務則交由女傭或保母代勞,很容易養成小孩子「飯來張口」的習慣,所以媽媽應該叫小孩子:Could you please tidy up your room?(你可以把自己的房間清理好嗎?)如果孩子的房間很整潔,可讚稱說:Your room is neat and tidy.(你的房間很整齊清潔);如果亂七八糟,可以說:Your room is a pigsty.(你的房間像豬窩一樣)。打掃房間,通常要掃地(Sweep the floor)、用真空吸塵器清掃地毯(Vacuum the carpet)和用雞毛撣子(Duster) 掃走百葉窗的灰塵 (Dust the blinds)。 對話 Rita:I need some help around here. Could you please tidy up your room? 莉達:我這裡需要幫忙,你可以打掃自己的房間嗎? Marty:It’s ok, there’s no need. 馬丁:這還可以,不需要吧。 Rita:What do you mean by “no need” ? Of course there’s a need. 莉達:甚麼是你所指的「不需要」?當然有這個需要啊。 Marty:No there’s not. I’ve decided to leave it the way it is and move into the living room. Once that’s a mess, there are another six rooms I can trash. 馬丁:沒有吧,我已經決定不理它,並搬到客廳去。當那裡也變得亂七八糟時,還有六間房讓我弄髒。 Rita:Oh yeah? That’s what you think. Hurry up, clean up.Hurry up, get up. 莉達:噢,真的嗎?那是你認為。快點清潔,快點起來吧。 《清理髒亂》 莉達叫馬丁:Could you please tidy up your room? It’s a mess(你的房間亂極了,請收拾一下好嗎?) 叫人收拾房間,英文可以說Please tidy up / clean up / pick up your room。上述三個動詞片語(phrasal verb),都有「把地方打掃乾淨」的意思,例如:She had to tidy up / clean up / pick up after the children’s Christmas party(孩子聖誕聚會之後,她得清理一切)。留意tidy up和clean up,都可用來說個人的整齊或清潔,pick up則不可以,例如:(1) I quickly tidied (myself) up before attending the interview(我面試前,匆匆整理了一下儀容)。(2) I’m covered with mud; I‘ve to clean (myself) up(我渾身泥巴,必須去梳洗乾淨)。 床舖不收拾好,房間怎樣都會顯得凌亂。收拾床鋪,英文叫做to make a/the/one’s bed,例如莉達可以叫馬丁:Now make your bed(快把床舖整理好)。英文成語As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it直譯是「自己舖的床自己睡」,意思則是「自作自受」。 說事物一團糟,可以用mess一字,The room is a mess和The room is in a mess都是說「房間一團糟」。這個字還可用來說人:I’m (in) a mess即「我的情況糟透了」。你還可以用at sixes and sevens來說「亂七八糟」或「(頭腦)混亂」,例如:(1) The room was at sixes and sevens(房子亂七八糟)。(2) I was at sixes and sevens, I didn’t know what to do(我一片混亂,不知道怎樣做才好)。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Oct 28 Fri 2011 04:19
Could you please tidy up your room?